Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Audacity of Socialism

The purpose of this blog is to share information. Some of it is nice—some is not so nice. The 2008 election is extremely important. It is a juncture in modern society. Will we keep our America or will we turn it over to a Marxist/Socialist wing of the Democratic party and kiss what’s left of our freedoms goodbye?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sets the tone by refusing to allow discussion of energy plans in Congress. Her way or the highway. After that she pronounced Barack Obama to be the “sent one” who is going to cure all of our nation’s ills. A purposeful destruction of America by the Lefties is tantamount to treason, and should be viewed that way by the “watchdog” media. But, not this time. This time the media seems to be promoting the Socialist programs of the “Sent One.”

Jeff Schreiber at publishes the most comprehensive news-oriented blog I’ve seen on the web. It seems like he follows any lead to exhaustion. One thing Jeff believes in is education so we will know the plans of those who are intent on anarchy and those who share our affinity for our country. Country First. One must-read series he pointed out is the Audacity of Socialism series in Investors Business Daily. It’s a 12-part series that you really should take the time to read and study. I’ve placed the links to all 12 parts of the series below in order. Click on the title and it will take you directly to each individual article:

Part Three—Obama Wants You!

Part Twelve—Alice in Obamaland

Other informative articles and editorials are available at the Investors Business Daily website. They also have those super-fantastic Michael Ramirez cartoons.

And, you can check out Jeff Schreiber's other comments at the blogsite.