Friday, April 3, 2009

I've been patient!

When the election was over, I was shattered. I couldn't and still can't believe that reasonable American voters could/would elect a president who has such obvious socialist tendencies. I couldn't and still can't believe that a supposedly moral people would vote for a president with a clear record for supporting abortion in any and every possible manner. I honestly don't think the man ever met a pro-abortion bill he didn't like. God hates the shedding of innocent blood. How much more innocent could a person be than to be not yet born?????

I've watched and listened these past few months and this is what I've noticed. The president appears to publicly try to adopt a moderate position on most topics. Yet, behind the scenes he's eliminating charity contribution tax deductions. He's also running through his youth program that is going to provide steady pay for underemployed persons like the ACORN workers. He's contacting Russia, Iran and Venezuela to tell them we want to be nicer. He's ignoring Israel and leaving them on their own. Perhaps he doesn't know what it means to be God's chosen people. His memorization of islamic law in grade school probably didn't mention that Isaac was Abraham's legitimate son, not Ishmael.

So, here we are. The Republican party is in shambles. The head of the party is apologizing left and right and saying the president is trying to do a good job. The American people have been brainwashed by a liberal media that I really can't figure out. Why would the media, who fight so vigorously for shield laws and freedom of the press, continue to support a marxist/socialist whose primary interest in the press is to have it be his pawn and do his bidding.

Americans are buying guns and ammunition at an alarming rate. Why? Because the new attorney general is a strict gun control proponent. Those guys are a little busy now working on the "new depression." But, if and when the economy turns a corner, then the fangs will pop out and all of your liberties will disappear. That's the marxist/socialist way. A gun store owner near my hometown has hung a giant photo of Obama in his store. The caption underneath says, "salesman of the month." Churchill said, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself." In this case we fear the pied piper and his henchmen. The kool-aid drinkers have handed him the keys to the kingdom. I bet several years ago when you sang, "The King is Coming," you never imagined how this "king" would appear.