Monday, September 20, 2010

This President's a real trip...

In his campaign travels a few weeks ago the President passed along the announcement that the recession had officially ended in June 2009. Of course with nearly 10 percent unemployment, who would know? How do you explain to families losing jobs, homes and dreams that the recession actually ended over a year ago and we should all be going on our merry ways by now. The campaigning president is doing his best to convince Americans that his economic policies have helped in ways that are yet to be seen. I'll bet that part's right. Hopefully we won't have to see them. The only thing I've noticed about the results of his programs is that we've been informed that our doctor visit co-pay has gone up 33 percent and that our deductibles for next year have doubled. I also noticed that the flex plan has been cut in half and that this is just the tip of the iceberg. So much for making health care more affordable. I'm expecting that to be the result of all of his economic policies. Astronomical increases in everyday prices and higher taxes to boot.

Of course Republicans and other conservatives are chomping at the bit to relieve Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid of their jobs. I'm hoping for the same thing. But, I'm realistic enough to know that there are citizens of America who are feeling OK about the president. Apparently, they want our nation brought to its knees and our people reduced to the same status as third-world countries. My question is, if America loses its confidence and its status in the world, who is going to fill our shoes? Which country is ready to come forward and be a lighthouse to freedom loving people the world over?

I'm also hoping our president can join the jobless ranks in November of 2012. That would return America to a land of promise rather than a land of broken promises by a failed administration. I don't think he would stay unemployed very long. I think the powers that be at the United Nations are just waiting for him to get freed up from his busy vacation schedule so he can be Secretary General of the United Nations. At that point in time I would suggest that our congress stop all funding for the UN and see how long that private club for freeloaders from all over the world lasts. That brings back fond memories of the billboards we used to see along our highways, "Get US out of the UN!" I say bring back the billboards.

Back to the president's campaign trail. He went on to say that he thought the people on main street feel like they've been beat up. I'll say he's right on that point... I would add that most of us on main street feel like he and his administration are doing a lot of the beating. How can we make jobs and put people to work if we don't know how much the government is going to make us pay for health insurance for new employees? How can we hire employees if we don't know how much more tax money is going to be taken from our businesses?

The president says that if we elect conservatives and republicans we'll just return to a time when conditions brought us to where we are now. Well, Mr. President, if electing conservatives and republicans will return us to a time when we at least thought we knew what to expect, then I say bring it on. Have the election tomorrow and lets get back on a familiar path that provides opportunity for all, not just a few czars and cronies. I hope the Republican party has made some observations and learned some lessons from this two-year experiment that went terribly wrong. Maybe enough conservatives are out there to hold Republican feet to the fire.

Please encourage everyone you know to vote in November. Let's return America to a path of greatness. Let's return the land of opportunity to its rightful status in the world. Let's make it illegal for a president to be ashamed of America and Americans. You can bet your vote will count this time!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Great Deceiver

I don't know about you but I sense an air of discontent in my part of America. Maybe you're observing the same things. People are frustrated. Businesses are perplexed and still laying people off from work. The unemployment scene isn't improving as quickly as most of us hoped it would. Why, you ask, is there a cloud of discontent across our land? Simple. We have no leadership. There, I said it. No Leadership.

What happened to all the promises of hope and change in the last presidential campaign? Hope is practically gone for multitudes of people, and the changes we've experienced are right out of the dark ages. All this talk about Sharia law is getting on my nerves. Can you imagine anyone thinking women are property just like their animals? We have enough laws on the books to keep every lawyer and peace officer in the U.S. busy for the rest of their lives. We certainly don't need to revert 1300 years to a legal system that didn't even work in the deserts of the middle east. Why hasn't our president spoken out against its practice?

I was looking at some of the teachings of Mike Fischer the other day. He has a video that sums up the entire sentiment about what's wrong in 2010. I think if you watch this, you'll have to agree with him 100%. Take a look:
The Great Deceiver

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The transfer of wealth continues...

Well, it happened. The cap and trade bill passed the House of Representatives. America is truly asleep and next winter when the heating bills are out-of-sight, we have no one to blame but ourselves. If you read sections of the Climate bill you will find that there are major provisions in the bill to return portions of the taxes gained by the program to persons who have limited income. Note that these are no small amounts.

How does this affect you? Simple. You work and contribute to the well-being of your household. Your heating bills are going to go through the roof and you're going to struggle to pay. A large part of the extra "tax" you pay through your utility company is going to be sent to lower income people to reduce the burden of their utility bills. Rob contributing members of society and give it to those who don't contribute.
Marxist socialism in its shining glory. The sad part is that the tax on utility companies isn't even necessary.

The good news. This bill still has to make it through the Senate. Write, call, or text-message your senators and tell them to vote against what will be the most disastrous destruction of American economy ever.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I've been patient!

When the election was over, I was shattered. I couldn't and still can't believe that reasonable American voters could/would elect a president who has such obvious socialist tendencies. I couldn't and still can't believe that a supposedly moral people would vote for a president with a clear record for supporting abortion in any and every possible manner. I honestly don't think the man ever met a pro-abortion bill he didn't like. God hates the shedding of innocent blood. How much more innocent could a person be than to be not yet born?????

I've watched and listened these past few months and this is what I've noticed. The president appears to publicly try to adopt a moderate position on most topics. Yet, behind the scenes he's eliminating charity contribution tax deductions. He's also running through his youth program that is going to provide steady pay for underemployed persons like the ACORN workers. He's contacting Russia, Iran and Venezuela to tell them we want to be nicer. He's ignoring Israel and leaving them on their own. Perhaps he doesn't know what it means to be God's chosen people. His memorization of islamic law in grade school probably didn't mention that Isaac was Abraham's legitimate son, not Ishmael.

So, here we are. The Republican party is in shambles. The head of the party is apologizing left and right and saying the president is trying to do a good job. The American people have been brainwashed by a liberal media that I really can't figure out. Why would the media, who fight so vigorously for shield laws and freedom of the press, continue to support a marxist/socialist whose primary interest in the press is to have it be his pawn and do his bidding.

Americans are buying guns and ammunition at an alarming rate. Why? Because the new attorney general is a strict gun control proponent. Those guys are a little busy now working on the "new depression." But, if and when the economy turns a corner, then the fangs will pop out and all of your liberties will disappear. That's the marxist/socialist way. A gun store owner near my hometown has hung a giant photo of Obama in his store. The caption underneath says, "salesman of the month." Churchill said, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself." In this case we fear the pied piper and his henchmen. The kool-aid drinkers have handed him the keys to the kingdom. I bet several years ago when you sang, "The King is Coming," you never imagined how this "king" would appear.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

232 Years of Freedom!

Please respect the passing of America. Born in bravery on July 4, 1776 - Destroyed from within on November 4, 2008.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Audacity of Socialism

The purpose of this blog is to share information. Some of it is nice—some is not so nice. The 2008 election is extremely important. It is a juncture in modern society. Will we keep our America or will we turn it over to a Marxist/Socialist wing of the Democratic party and kiss what’s left of our freedoms goodbye?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sets the tone by refusing to allow discussion of energy plans in Congress. Her way or the highway. After that she pronounced Barack Obama to be the “sent one” who is going to cure all of our nation’s ills. A purposeful destruction of America by the Lefties is tantamount to treason, and should be viewed that way by the “watchdog” media. But, not this time. This time the media seems to be promoting the Socialist programs of the “Sent One.”

Jeff Schreiber at publishes the most comprehensive news-oriented blog I’ve seen on the web. It seems like he follows any lead to exhaustion. One thing Jeff believes in is education so we will know the plans of those who are intent on anarchy and those who share our affinity for our country. Country First. One must-read series he pointed out is the Audacity of Socialism series in Investors Business Daily. It’s a 12-part series that you really should take the time to read and study. I’ve placed the links to all 12 parts of the series below in order. Click on the title and it will take you directly to each individual article:

Part Three—Obama Wants You!

Part Twelve—Alice in Obamaland

Other informative articles and editorials are available at the Investors Business Daily website. They also have those super-fantastic Michael Ramirez cartoons.

And, you can check out Jeff Schreiber's other comments at the blogsite.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

"Right wing" versus whatever's left

The “right wing” mentality exists because in most persons there is a conscience that helps them discover “right” and wrong. The right wing mentality believes in individual responsibility. They also believe that they have the right and ability to make most decisions for themselves. They do not want those “other” wingers doing strange things on their behalf. Like your Speaker of the House who claims the oil companies already have leases–just drill there. It doesn’t register to her what a “dry hole” is. Her aim is to keep the rest of us dependent on the government. To me, less government is good government. I’m not trying to impose my beliefs on anyone. You’re of age, believe what you want. You won’t get a leftist to say that. In fact they'll convene a panel, or committee to determine if an adult of sound mind should be allowed to believe what they choose. Drill Now! Drill Often!