Wednesday, November 5, 2008
232 Years of Freedom!
Please respect the passing of America. Born in bravery on July 4, 1776 - Destroyed from within on November 4, 2008.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Audacity of Socialism
The purpose of this blog is to share information. Some of it is nice—some is not so nice. The 2008 election is extremely important. It is a juncture in modern society. Will we keep our America or will we turn it over to a Marxist/Socialist wing of the Democratic party and kiss what’s left of our freedoms goodbye?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sets the tone by refusing to allow discussion of energy plans in Congress. Her way or the highway. After that she pronounced Barack Obama to be the “sent one” who is going to cure all of our nation’s ills. A purposeful destruction of America by the Lefties is tantamount to treason, and should be viewed that way by the “watchdog” media. But, not this time. This time the media seems to be promoting the Socialist programs of the “Sent One.”
Jeff Schreiber at publishes the most comprehensive news-oriented blog I’ve seen on the web. It seems like he follows any lead to exhaustion. One thing Jeff believes in is education so we will know the plans of those who are intent on anarchy and those who share our affinity for our country. Country First. One must-read series he pointed out is the Audacity of Socialism series in Investors Business Daily. It’s a 12-part series that you really should take the time to read and study. I’ve placed the links to all 12 parts of the series below in order. Click on the title and it will take you directly to each individual article:
Jeff Schreiber at publishes the most comprehensive news-oriented blog I’ve seen on the web. It seems like he follows any lead to exhaustion. One thing Jeff believes in is education so we will know the plans of those who are intent on anarchy and those who share our affinity for our country. Country First. One must-read series he pointed out is the Audacity of Socialism series in Investors Business Daily. It’s a 12-part series that you really should take the time to read and study. I’ve placed the links to all 12 parts of the series below in order. Click on the title and it will take you directly to each individual article:
Part One—Obama's Stealth Socialism
Part Two—Obama’s Global Tax
Part Three—Obama Wants You!
Part Four—Obamanomics Flunks the Test
Part Five—Young Obama’s Red Mentor
Part Six—Obama finds an ACORN
Part Seven—Reparations by another name
Part Eight—Obama’s Little Red Schoolhouse
Part Nine—Obama’s Radical Roots and Rules
Part Ten—Like Father, Like Son
Part Eleven—Finding Friends on the far, far Left
Part Twelve—Alice in Obamaland
Other informative articles and editorials are available at the Investors Business Daily website. They also have those super-fantastic Michael Ramirez cartoons.
And, you can check out Jeff Schreiber's other comments at the blogsite.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
"Right wing" versus whatever's left
The “right wing” mentality exists because in most persons there is a conscience that helps them discover “right” and wrong. The right wing mentality believes in individual responsibility. They also believe that they have the right and ability to make most decisions for themselves. They do not want those “other” wingers doing strange things on their behalf. Like your Speaker of the House who claims the oil companies already have leases–just drill there. It doesn’t register to her what a “dry hole” is. Her aim is to keep the rest of us dependent on the government. To me, less government is good government. I’m not trying to impose my beliefs on anyone. You’re of age, believe what you want. You won’t get a leftist to say that. In fact they'll convene a panel, or committee to determine if an adult of sound mind should be allowed to believe what they choose. Drill Now! Drill Often!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Global warming for people with common sense
Can you imagine my shock and utter confusion when I read yesterday that scientists in Switzerland think that global warming is at least partially caused by... are you ready for this?... clean air! That's right... clean air. Didn't you expect to hear that before long? I did. You see, it makes sense that if you clean up the sky and the sun's rays can penetrate the atmosphere easier, the earth stores more heat. I get that. The part I don't get is how carbon dioxide causes global warming. Carbon dioxide is tree food. Oxygen is people and animal food. Living creatures exhale carbon dioxide. Trees and plants exhale Oxygen. Nice arrangement God worked out there. We feed the trees and plants, and in turn, they feed us. I'm so disappointed by the Al Gores of this world. Are they so hegemonious that they expect all of us to accept their con game as the truth? Don't you suppose that when people open their ears and eyes to hear and see the truth that Al and his pseudo-green army of followers will disappear. I do believe that Al Gore and his post-turtle buddy, Barack Obama have a lot in common. They've both declared a moratorium on common sense and anything else that is truly good and decent.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The Pooring of America
I saw that term on a Seeking Alpha blog. It really caught my eye. I’ve been thinking about that for some time and was looking for an excuse to comment. I decided some time ago that Globalization is a euphemism for just that—the pooring of America. I remember several years ago seeing former Senator Jim Sasser on one of the financial programs—Lou Dobbs, I think—and he was explaining his take on globalization. (The following is what I got out of the interview.) He eluded to the egalitarian view of politics and the role of globalization in the “leveling of the playing field.” He explained how America’s economic strength and standard of living ranked among the highest in the world; and how many third-world nations rank near the bottom in financial strength. Globalization offered an opportunity to “level the playing field” so the majority of the world’s inhabitants could someday participate in the standard of living enjoyed by the more economically advanced minority of the world’s inhabitants. I believe that all of history has passed with the third-world countries making little improvement in their status, how was their situation going to dramatically change in a short period of time? I remember Sasser’s suggestion that maybe a quicker way to “level the playing field” would be for the standard of living in the richer countries to be lowered as the poorer countries improved and how it was imperative that China create 20 million new jobs each year even at the expense of American workers. (read the entire transcript at:
And that, my friends, is what you see happening at present. High fuel prices, ravaged real estate markets, a tumbling stock market, deteriorating infra-structure are all ingredients in, you guessed it, the pooring of America. When you saw all of the manufacturing jobs leaving your community in the 90’s, that was part of the globalization effort. I read in a bureau of labor report recently that the average wage in the United States is around $17.60 an hour. Compare that with third world countries where inhabitants don’t make $17.60 in a week and you can see how hard it is to compete in the manufacturing/labor market.
Let’s face it, America was built on cheap goods. We’ve always managed through a productive, industrious workforce to provide continually higher standard of living for our citizens. We try to educate everyone—whether they want it or not—and we have an expectation that the next generation is going to be better off than the previous generation. It could be that globalization is going to bring all of that to a screeching halt.
If B.O. gets elected in November, and the leftist liberals seize power, I expect to hear the wheels lock up immediately. The refusal of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to open the oil fields for drilling is beyond me. Why wouldn’t you want to get away from the strangle-hold of energy dependence on our nation’s enemies? Do you realize the billions of dollars that we send to our enemies in Iran, Venezuela, and numerous other oil producing countries, just to have them support terrorist organizations and return our money to us in the form of destructive force? The Islamist radicals have pointed out time and time again that they are engaged in a holy war with the United States. What part of jihad do Pelosi, Reid and Obama not understand?
And that, my friends, is what you see happening at present. High fuel prices, ravaged real estate markets, a tumbling stock market, deteriorating infra-structure are all ingredients in, you guessed it, the pooring of America. When you saw all of the manufacturing jobs leaving your community in the 90’s, that was part of the globalization effort. I read in a bureau of labor report recently that the average wage in the United States is around $17.60 an hour. Compare that with third world countries where inhabitants don’t make $17.60 in a week and you can see how hard it is to compete in the manufacturing/labor market.
Let’s face it, America was built on cheap goods. We’ve always managed through a productive, industrious workforce to provide continually higher standard of living for our citizens. We try to educate everyone—whether they want it or not—and we have an expectation that the next generation is going to be better off than the previous generation. It could be that globalization is going to bring all of that to a screeching halt.
If B.O. gets elected in November, and the leftist liberals seize power, I expect to hear the wheels lock up immediately. The refusal of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to open the oil fields for drilling is beyond me. Why wouldn’t you want to get away from the strangle-hold of energy dependence on our nation’s enemies? Do you realize the billions of dollars that we send to our enemies in Iran, Venezuela, and numerous other oil producing countries, just to have them support terrorist organizations and return our money to us in the form of destructive force? The Islamist radicals have pointed out time and time again that they are engaged in a holy war with the United States. What part of jihad do Pelosi, Reid and Obama not understand?
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