Sunday, July 13, 2008

Global warming for people with common sense

Can you imagine my shock and utter confusion when I read yesterday that scientists in Switzerland think that global warming is at least partially caused by... are you ready for this?... clean air! That's right... clean air. Didn't you expect to hear that before long? I did. You see, it makes sense that if you clean up the sky and the sun's rays can penetrate the atmosphere easier, the earth stores more heat. I get that. The part I don't get is how carbon dioxide causes global warming. Carbon dioxide is tree food. Oxygen is people and animal food. Living creatures exhale carbon dioxide. Trees and plants exhale Oxygen. Nice arrangement God worked out there. We feed the trees and plants, and in turn, they feed us. I'm so disappointed by the Al Gores of this world. Are they so hegemonious that they expect all of us to accept their con game as the truth? Don't you suppose that when people open their ears and eyes to hear and see the truth that Al and his pseudo-green army of followers will disappear. I do believe that Al Gore and his post-turtle buddy, Barack Obama have a lot in common. They've both declared a moratorium on common sense and anything else that is truly good and decent.

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