Saturday, July 19, 2008

"Right wing" versus whatever's left

The “right wing” mentality exists because in most persons there is a conscience that helps them discover “right” and wrong. The right wing mentality believes in individual responsibility. They also believe that they have the right and ability to make most decisions for themselves. They do not want those “other” wingers doing strange things on their behalf. Like your Speaker of the House who claims the oil companies already have leases–just drill there. It doesn’t register to her what a “dry hole” is. Her aim is to keep the rest of us dependent on the government. To me, less government is good government. I’m not trying to impose my beliefs on anyone. You’re of age, believe what you want. You won’t get a leftist to say that. In fact they'll convene a panel, or committee to determine if an adult of sound mind should be allowed to believe what they choose. Drill Now! Drill Often!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let's think about a few of the wonderfully efficient systems run by our government: Medicare, Social Security, and the Post Office. Enough said.
If the government is unable to coordinate the delivery of mail to my mailbox (instead of my neighbor's), then it can't be trusted to take care of things that really matter, like my health or my retirement. I'm even in favor of the heartless efficiency of the HMO system, over governmental control (sorry, Michael Moore). It's slightly comforting to think that at least someone might profit from my pain and suffering.
America's success was built on a desire and ability to work toward goals, to make things better, and not to sit back and rely on other people for everything. Let's face it, everybody looks out for number 1. Why would you expect anything different?
The politicians, the insurance companies, the doctors... they're all the same. Even if they don't set out to purposefully harm me, none of them will look out for my needs before their own.
At least with the insurance companies, I know what I'm up against-- somebody's bottom line. I know that if I can scrape together the money to pay for what I need, I can get it myself, and the insurance companies won't stand in my way.
When you're dealing with the government, it's all pain and no profit. There may be no rational or business decision behind government action/inaction. The government may not do something, even if it is both beneficial and economical. In fact, I'm pretty sure proposals that make business sense are frowned upon in most political circles on both sides of the aisle. When there is no clear and rational basis for decisions, you can't be sure that you won't be the sacrificial lamb for a policy that, at the end of the day, benefits no one. A system like that leaves people hopeless and helpless; it just doesn't correlate with every American's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.