Saturday, June 27, 2009

The transfer of wealth continues...

Well, it happened. The cap and trade bill passed the House of Representatives. America is truly asleep and next winter when the heating bills are out-of-sight, we have no one to blame but ourselves. If you read sections of the Climate bill you will find that there are major provisions in the bill to return portions of the taxes gained by the program to persons who have limited income. Note that these are no small amounts.

How does this affect you? Simple. You work and contribute to the well-being of your household. Your heating bills are going to go through the roof and you're going to struggle to pay. A large part of the extra "tax" you pay through your utility company is going to be sent to lower income people to reduce the burden of their utility bills. Rob contributing members of society and give it to those who don't contribute.
Marxist socialism in its shining glory. The sad part is that the tax on utility companies isn't even necessary.

The good news. This bill still has to make it through the Senate. Write, call, or text-message your senators and tell them to vote against what will be the most disastrous destruction of American economy ever.

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