Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Great Deceiver

I don't know about you but I sense an air of discontent in my part of America. Maybe you're observing the same things. People are frustrated. Businesses are perplexed and still laying people off from work. The unemployment scene isn't improving as quickly as most of us hoped it would. Why, you ask, is there a cloud of discontent across our land? Simple. We have no leadership. There, I said it. No Leadership.

What happened to all the promises of hope and change in the last presidential campaign? Hope is practically gone for multitudes of people, and the changes we've experienced are right out of the dark ages. All this talk about Sharia law is getting on my nerves. Can you imagine anyone thinking women are property just like their animals? We have enough laws on the books to keep every lawyer and peace officer in the U.S. busy for the rest of their lives. We certainly don't need to revert 1300 years to a legal system that didn't even work in the deserts of the middle east. Why hasn't our president spoken out against its practice?

I was looking at some of the teachings of Mike Fischer the other day. He has a video that sums up the entire sentiment about what's wrong in 2010. I think if you watch this, you'll have to agree with him 100%. Take a look:
The Great Deceiver

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